Give Give Give: chapter eleven of “ Sell or be Sold; How to Get Your Way In Business and In Life book by Grant Cardone

Give First

In selling the only true way to receive, is to give first! It’s not about just the sale but the sincere desire to help others. Grant Cardone says “ if you give enough in life, life will give it to you back”

Give your best and be know for your work ethic

Grant says it not about giving money or products away, it’s about;

Giving your full attention.

Giving your full energy.

Giving the highest level of service.

Giving the best attitude.

When giving your attention; don’t let yourself be distracted by phone calls, or other Office distractions, pay 100 percent attention to the customer, give your all, it will show. Give all your energy, no negativity, be optimistic.

We are want to be liked and so do customers and prospects, that willingness to help, enthusiasm can charge the customer, make them feel good, it rubs off you to them, if you need tips on cultivating energy see my previous blog here: Give the highest level of service you can.

Grant Cardone has a fundamental rule:
“Service is Senior to Selling”
People want and will pay that extra for top quality service, hence when you stay at a top hotel, it’s not just the higher quality figures and fittings you get, it’s that exclusive service that differentiates the standard hotel service from the top brand hotel.

Grant says people WILL pay EXTRA for that: Special Service, a Great Attitude, Convenience and Ease of Purchase.

Always give the best attitude you can give your prospect or customer, then make it better again and then more some, says Grant.


If there is a problem, face it straight away, in fact Grant says you can turn it in to another opportunity, to sell more nevertheless by dealing with the issues now, you can save time not having to address it or them in the future, for yourself or for your other co-workers, who maybe unaware of that technical issue, that you have unfortunately left them with.


Look says Grant, having a top notch attitude makes the difference between you and your competitors, so give your service in the best way you can and you will be rewarded in the long term.

The same Give Give Give works equally as well on social media, Grant talks about why you must have a Social Media Presence, see my blog here

Especially Online

When you are online, you have got to engage with people and help them were you can, engagement and less broadcasting, its about THEM not YOU.

In sales there is that saying, Coffee is for Closer’s ABC: Always Be Closing, well on social media it’s still ABC: but now it is; Always Be Connecting!

Care About Others

Yes, that help you give other people at no charge, will establish you as a person who cares about others, it effectively helps you increase your power base network online.

This has to be grown (organically is best or with automated tools, if you must), with thought, planning and effort.

Putting In Time

There is no substitute for putting in time, you can buy time by having other people help you build up your network, through mutual referrals, then over time get to be known as the “go to” person for help, advice, information, expertise and opportunities.

Thus if you give value to others, not only in your formal network but also in your informal network, this will go a long way in helping growing your networks, naturally without looking contrived.

Create a contact map, which will help you understand your own connections and that of other in your network and you can then visualize, how to improve on them.

What's In a Name
Always try and use the persons real first name if you can, rather than just the social media handle or name from the platform.

Just naming them on the platform, will not be as effective (though Google search bots do take note of peoples handles or names) unless they are not on social media, in which case you have no choice.

Fake Personalities

A word of warning, there are a lot of fake online personalities or people with the same name and its first come, first served when registering on a social media programme, so make sure you double check, you have the right name for the right person and not a fake account.

Dale Carnegie’s now classic book ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’ in the section on how to handle people; States his third principle: a person’s name, is to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language’, so it’s very important to get the customer's correct name rather than just their social media handle (generic name).

Sell me this ( no not the pen) glass of water!

One Chapter a Day

I would suggest reading no more than one chapter a day, of “Sell or be Sold book; How To Get Your Way In Business and In Life by Grant Cardone and then re-reading that chapter, again on the same day, if you can.

Then recalling ( it’s the faster way to learn and transfer from short term memory to long term memory) the chapter by re-writing the core principles out from your memory, in a notebook dedicated just for this book and then doing this with every chapter, throughout the book.

 Hardcover in UK and Hardcover in USA on MP3 Anywhere 

More Blogs on Grant Cardone from the book “Sell or be Sold book; How To Get Your Way In Business and In Life, Here


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